Transnational Blenders B.V. is a lubricant blending plant, this is the main service we offer our customers. We do offer an extensive service package besides blending. All these services together mean we can fully cater to the various, wide-ranging expectations of the lubricant business as we know it- DE

Blending- DE
At TNB we work with two types of blending systems: In-line blending and Batch blending. This means we can blend and plan the kinds and sizes of batches efficiently. Once properly blended, the finished product is stored in our finished product tanks. We often load this directly into barges from the two larger batch blending tanks- DE

Packing- DE
Donec in pellentesque elit. Morbi pellentesque turpis id accumsan egestas. Quisque id tellus ipsum. Sed ac eleifend dui. Pellentesque rutrum pretium erat, et placerat dolor accumsan vitae. Duis vel magna laoreet lacus porttitor convallis vel non sapien. Nunc dictum ornare- DE

Warehousing- DE
Products are then moved to temporary storage, until our customers pick them up. Bulk is stored in our finished product tank, at our blending site. We also have some indoor storage for finished packed products and additives. We have in-house storage capacity of 2.800 pallet places- DE

Logistics and bunkering- DE
Direct access to the North Sea and our own jetty was a perfect starting point for adding bunkering to our portfolio. We started some years ago with several single hulled vessels. Today we have extended our fleet with the addition of Europe's biggest lubricant barge, the TNB Pride. We use this vessel to deliver most lubricant requests at the Port of Rotterdam- DE

Location- DE
Vestibulum sed massa lorem. Proin ac pretium libero. Pellentesque ligula arcu, accumsan id laoreet eu- DE

In-house expertise- DE
Vestibulum sed turpis id sem consectetur maximus. Cras eget massa rhoncus massa pellentesque tincidunt a ac nisl- DE

Price-competitive- DE
Morbi vel lobortis velit. Ut id risus at eros commodo blandit sed vel massa. Phasellus odio purus, egestas at pharetra et- DE

Trusted partner of oil majors- DE
Nam ut justo scelerisque, efficitur mi non, scelerisque nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis parturient montes- DE
The QHSE department focuses on Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment. These areas are in constant development and we ensure compliance with all current and future Dutch and European laws and regulations.
The wide range of tasks to be completed means every day is different. For example, we examine the quality of packing material, make sure that oils and additives are stored in the safest possible way and ensure compliance with occupational safety regulations.
In addition, we also meet our suppliers´quality standards and we are proud to have achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification.
The goal is to prevent incidents and accidents and to minimize any adverse effects of business operations. We continuously improve our policies to ensure the safety of the company and its employees. To achieve these goals, QHSE works closely with all other company departments.- DE

Curabitur ut nisi venenatis, bibendum augue sed, pellentesque orci. Cras malesuada eget ligula sed vestibulum. Nulla sed vehicula ante. Donec tincidunt sed felis quis cursus. Quisque diam enim, laoreet sed dolor et, commodo interdum urna. Maecenas iaculis, lacus eu lobortis blandit, elit est fringilla lacus, ut porta orci enim ac lacus. Nam pulvinar, nisi et euismod pharetra, tortor lorem egestas mauris, sed vehicula elit lorem eget dui. Proin pharetra, leo id aliquet semper, enim libero volutpat magna- DE
Curabitur ut nisi venenatis, bibendum augue sed, pellentesque orci. Cras malesuada eget ligula sed vestibulum. Nulla sed vehicula ante. Donec tincidunt sed felis quis cursus. Quisque diam enim, laoreet sed dolor et, commodo interdum urna. Maecenas iaculis, lacus eu lobortis blandit, elit est fringilla lacus, ut porta orci enim ac lacus. Nam pulvinar, nisi et euismod pharetra, tortor lorem egestas mauris, sed vehicula elit lorem eget dui. Proin pharetra, leo id aliquet semper, enim libero volutpat magna- DE